GitLab Runner [![Build Status](]( [![Ansible Role](](

This role will install the [official GitLab Runner](
(fork from haroldb) with updates. Needed something simple and working, this did the trick for me. Open for changes though.


This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher.

Role Variables

**Since Gitlab 10.x** The package name of `gitlab-ci-multi-runner` has been renamed to `gitlab-runner`. In order to install a version >= 10.x you will need to define this variable `gitlab_runner_package_name: gitlab-runner`.

The maximum number of jobs to run concurrently.
Defaults to the number of processor cores.

The GitLab registration token. If this is specified, a runner will be registered to a GitLab server.

The GitLab coordinator URL.
Defaults to ``.

The description of the runner.
Defaults to the hostname.

The executor used by the runner.
Defaults to `shell`.

The default Docker image to use. Required when executor is `docker`.

The tags assigned to the runner,
Defaults to an empty list.

See the [config for more options](

Example Playbook
- hosts: all
  remote_user: root
    - vars/main.yml
    - { role: riemers.gitlab-runner }

Inside `vars/main.yml`
gitlab_runner_registration_token: 'HUzTMgnxk17YV8Rj8ucQ'
gitlab_runner_description: 'Example GitLab Runner'
  - node
  - ruby
  - mysql
  - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
  - "/cache"