 * Test plugin features.
 * @package Redis_User_Session_Storage

namespace Redis_User_Session_Storage\Tests\Inc;

use Redis;
use Redis_User_Session_Storage\Plugin;
use ReflectionClass;
use WP_Session_Tokens;
use WP_UnitTestCase;

 * Tests for main plugin class.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Redis_User_Session_Storage\Plugin
class Test_Plugin extends WP_UnitTestCase {
	 * Clear stored sessions after each test, as factory can create user with
	 * same ID as previous test.
	public function tear_down() {

		$this->_invoke_method( 0, 'flush_redis_db' );

	 * Test construction.
	 * @covers ::__construct()
	 * @return void
	public function test__construct() {
		$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
		$object  = new Plugin( $user_id );

			'Failed to assert that plugin class is an instance of `WP_Session_Tokens`.'

		$this->assertEquals( 'wpruss', $object->prefix );

			$this->_get_property( $user_id, 'redis_connected' ),
			'Failed to assert that Redis is connected.'

			$this->_get_property( $user_id, 'redis' ),
			'Failed to assert that Redis client is an instance of `Redis`.'

	 * Test `get_sessions()` method.
	 * @covers ::get_sessions()
	 * @return void
	public function test_get_sessions() {
		$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
		$plugin  = new Plugin( $user_id );

			$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' ),
			'Failed to assert that no sessions are returned before user logs in.'

		$plugin->create( time() + 60 );

			$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' ),
			'Failed to assert that session token is stored in Redis.'

	 * Test `prepare_session()` method.
	 * @covers ::prepare_session()
	 * @return void
	public function test_prepare_session() {
				'expiration' => 1,
			'Failed to assert that session data is transformed as expected.'

		$test_data = array(
			'expiration' => 2,
			'foo'        => 'bar',

			'Failed to assert that session data is not transformed if it is already prepared.'

	 * Test `get_session()` method.
	 * @covers ::get_session()
	 * @return void
	public function test_get_session() {
		$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
		$plugin  = new Plugin( $user_id );

			'Failed to assert that arbitrary verifier does not return a session.'

		$expiration = time() + 60;

		$plugin->create( $expiration );
		$tokens   = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
		$verifier = array_keys( $tokens )[0];

		$session_data = $this->_invoke_method(

			'Failed to assert that session expiration is stored in Redis.'

	 * Test `update_session()` method.
	 * @covers ::update_session()
	 * @return void
	public function test_update_session() {

	 * Test `update_sessions()` method.
	 * @covers ::update_sessions()
	 * @return void
	public function test_update_sessions() {

	 * Test `destroy_other_sessions()` method.
	 * @covers ::destroy_other_sessions()
	 * @return void
	public function test_destroy_other_sessions() {

	 * Test `destroy_all_sessions()` method.
	 * @covers ::destroy_all_sessions()
	 * @return void
	public function test_destroy_all_sessions() {

	 * Test `drop_sessions()` method.
	 * @covers ::drop_sessions()
	 * @covers ::flush_redis_db()
	 * @return void
	public function test_drop_sessions() {

	 * Test `get_key()` method.
	 * @covers ::get_key()
	 * @return void
	public function test_get_key() {
		$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
		$plugin  = new Plugin( $user_id );

			$plugin->prefix . ':' . $user_id,
			$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_key' )

	 * Invoke a non-public class method.
	 * @param int    $user_id     WP User ID.
	 * @param string $method_name Method name.
	 * @param array  $args        Method arguments.
	 * @return mixed
	protected function _invoke_method( $user_id, $method_name, $args = [] ) {
		$object     = new Plugin( $user_id );
		$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $object );
		$method     = $reflection->getMethod( $method_name );
		$method->setAccessible( true );

		return $method->invokeArgs( $object, $args );

	 * Get value of non-public property.
	 * @param int    $user_id       WP User ID.
	 * @param string $property_name Property name.
	 * @return mixed
	protected function _get_property( $user_id, $property_name ) {
		$object     = new Plugin( $user_id );
		$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $object );
		$property   = $reflection->getProperty( $property_name );
		$property->setAccessible( true );

		return $property->getValue( $object );