<?php /** * Offload session storage to Redis. * * @package Redis_User_Session_Storage */ namespace Redis_User_Session_Storage; use Redis; use RedisException; use WP_Session_Tokens; /** * Redis-based user sessions token manager. * * @since 0.1 */ class Plugin extends WP_Session_Tokens { /** * Holds the Redis client. * * @var Redis */ private $redis; /** * Track if Redis is available * * @var bool */ private $redis_connected = false; /** * Prefix used to namespace keys * * @var string */ public $prefix = 'wpruss'; /** * Create Redis connection using the Redis PECL extension * * @param int $user_id User ID. */ public function __construct( $user_id ) { // General Redis settings. $redis = array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'socket' => null, 'serializer' => Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP, ); if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_HOST' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_HOST ) { $redis['host'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_HOST; } if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_PORT' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_PORT ) { $redis['port'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_PORT; } if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SOCKET' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SOCKET ) { $redis['socket'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SOCKET; } if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_AUTH' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_AUTH ) { $redis['auth'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_AUTH; } if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_DB' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_DB ) { $redis['database'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_DB; } if ( defined( 'WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SERIALIZER' ) && WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SERIALIZER ) { $redis['serializer'] = WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SERIALIZER; } // Use Redis PECL library. try { $this->redis = new Redis(); // Socket preferred, but TCP supported. if ( $redis['socket'] ) { $this->redis->connect( $redis['socket'] ); } else { $this->redis->connect( $redis['host'], $redis['port'] ); } $this->redis->setOption( Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $redis['serializer'] ); if ( isset( $redis['auth'] ) ) { $this->redis->auth( $redis['auth'] ); } if ( isset( $redis['database'] ) ) { $this->redis->select( $redis['database'] ); } $this->redis_connected = true; } catch ( RedisException $e ) { $this->redis_connected = false; } // Pass user ID to parent. parent::__construct( $user_id ); } /** * Get all sessions of a user. * * @return array Sessions of a user. */ protected function get_sessions() { if ( ! $this->redis_connected ) { return array(); } $key = $this->get_key(); if ( ! $this->redis->exists( $key ) ) { return array(); } $sessions = $this->redis->get( $key ); if ( ! is_array( $sessions ) ) { return array(); } $sessions = array_map( array( $this, 'prepare_session' ), $sessions ); return array_filter( $sessions, array( $this, 'is_still_valid' ) ); } /** * Converts an expiration to an array of session information. * * @param mixed $session Session or expiration. * @return array Session. */ protected function prepare_session( $session ) { if ( is_int( $session ) ) { return array( 'expiration' => $session ); } return $session; } /** * Retrieve a session by its verifier (token hash). * * @param string $verifier Verifier of the session to retrieve. * @return array|null The session, or null if it does not exist */ protected function get_session( $verifier ) { $sessions = $this->get_sessions(); if ( isset( $sessions[ $verifier ] ) ) { return $sessions[ $verifier ]; } return null; } /** * Update a session by its verifier. * * @param string $verifier Verifier of the session to update. * @param array $session Optional. Session. Omitting this argument destroys the session. */ protected function update_session( $verifier, $session = null ) { $sessions = $this->get_sessions(); if ( $session ) { $sessions[ $verifier ] = $session; } else { unset( $sessions[ $verifier ] ); } $this->update_sessions( $sessions ); } /** * Update a user's sessions in Redis. * * @param array $sessions Sessions. */ protected function update_sessions( $sessions ) { if ( ! $this->redis_connected ) { return; } $key = $this->get_key(); if ( $sessions ) { $this->redis->set( $key, $sessions ); } elseif ( $this->redis->exists( $key ) ) { $this->redis->del( $key ); } } /** * Destroy all session tokens for a user, except a single session passed. * * @param string $verifier Verifier of the session to keep. */ protected function destroy_other_sessions( $verifier ) { $session = $this->get_session( $verifier ); $this->update_sessions( array( $verifier => $session ) ); } /** * Destroy all session tokens for a user. */ protected function destroy_all_sessions() { $this->update_sessions( array() ); } /** * Destroy all session tokens for all users. * * @return bool */ public static function drop_sessions() { return static::get_instance( 0 )->flush_redis_db(); } /** * Empty database, clearing all tokens. * * @return bool */ protected function flush_redis_db() { return $this->redis->flushDB(); } /** * Build key for current user. * * @return string */ protected function get_key() { return $this->prefix . ':' . $this->user_id; } }