Erick Hitter authoredd3d7dc4a
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Pipe logs to Mattermost (or Slack) webhooks
- Go 1.8.3
git clone https://git.ethitter.com/debian/eth-log-alerting.git /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting
cd /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting
go get github.com/ashwanthkumar/slack-go-webhook
go get github.com/asaskevich/govalidator
go get github.com/hpcloud/tail
go build eth-log-alerting.go
cp /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting/init.sh /etc/init.d/eth-log-alerting
chmod +x /etc/init.d/eth-log-alerting
cp /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting/config-sample.json /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting/config.json
- Edit
- If using a different path for your binary or config file, or if running as other than
, override the daemon defaults:cp /usr/local/bin/eth-log-alerting/defaults /etc/default/eth-log-alerting
- Edit
update-rc.d eth-log-alerting defaults
/etc/init.d/eth-log-alerting start