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Erick Hitter authored

Gitlab RSS Sync

Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Pulls

Create Gitlab issues from RSS Feeds with optional labelling. Created to monitor RSS feeds and bring posts to our attention (Security Releases, Product Updates etc)

Avoiding Duplication

We try to be as clever as is reasonably possible in terms of not duplicating RSS feed items into Gitlab. A Redis database is used to store the GUID/FeedID combination which is checked when assessing articles for synchronisation. In addition we also add the RSS feed's item GUID at the bottom of the issue description. Before synchronising an RSS item we run an issue search in the associated project, if we dont find the GUID in any issue we assume its not already been created. This helps to guard against scenarios where you lose the Redis database and dont want RSS items reduplicating into Gitlab. If found in Gitlab it is marked as synchronised in the Redis database as well as printing an link to the existing issue(s) to stdout.

Limiting what is initially synced.

Each feed entry in the config file can have an "added_since" property set. This is used to only sync RSS items that have a Published/Updated date greater than the provided value. This can be useful on RSS feeds where you dont want to import historic items, just new posts going forward.

Config file

The config file MUST be named config.yaml, an example one is provided here. Below is a brief description of its contents.

interval: 300
  - id: test 
    name: Test Feed
    gitlab_project_id: 12345
    added_since: "2019-03-27T15:00:00Z"
      - TestLabel
   - id: feed2


Attribute Type Required Description
interval int yes The interval in seconds between feed checks


Attribute Type Required Default Description
id string yes n/a A feed ID that is used internally for duplicate detection.
feed_url string yes n/a The URL of the feed
name string yes n/a A User friendly display name.
gitlab_project_id int yes n/a The Gitlab project ID to create issues under.
added_since string no null For longer RSS feeds specify a ISO 8601 DateTime to exclude items published/updated earlier than this
labels Array no [] A list of labels to add to created Issues
retroactive bool no false If true the issue in Gitlab will have the same creation time as the RSS feed items updates/published time


A Docker image is made available on DockerHub

Required Environment Variables

  • GITLAB_API_TOKEN - Gitlab personal access token that will be used to create Issues NOTE: You must have access to create issues in the projects you specify in the config file.
  • CONFIG_DIR - The directory the application should look for config.yaml in.
  • REDIS_URL - The URL of the Redis host e.g. redis:6379
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - Password for Redis, if an empty password is required set to REDIS_PASSWORD=
  • USE_SENTINEL - If set the REDIS_URL will be treated as a sentinel and the current master acquired via the sentinel.

Run it

Via Docker

docker run -e GITLAB_API_TOKEN=<INSERT_TOKEN> -e CONFIG_DIR=/app -v REDIS_URL=<REDIS_URL> -v REDIS_PASSWORD=<REDIS_PASSWORD> -v ${PWD}:/config adamhf/rss-sync:latest

Via docker-compose

docker-compose up

Prometheus Metrics

Two metrics (above and beyond what are exposed by the Go Prometheus library) are exposed on :8080/metrics

  • last_run_time - The time of the last feed checks, useful for creating alerts to check for successful runs.
  • issues_created - The total number of issues created in Gitlab, useful to check for runaways.

Healthz Endpoint

A /healthz endpoint is exposed on :8081/healthz which will fail if it is unable to connect to Redis.

Example Issues

GKE Release Notes

Feed URL: GKE Release Notes

GKE Security Updates

Feed URL: GKE Security updates