Gitlab RSS Sync
Create Gitlab issues from RSS Feeds with optional labelling. Created to monitor RSS feeds and bring posts to our attention (Security Releases, Product Updates etc)
Config file
The config file MUST be named config.yaml, an example one is provided here. Below is a brief description of its contents.
interval: 300 // Interval in seconds to check the RSS feeds.
- id: test //Specify a feed ID that is used internally for duplicate detection.
feed_url: // The Feed URL.
name: Test Feed // A User friendly display name.
gitlab_project_id: 12345 // The Gitlab project ID to create issues under.
added_since: "2019-03-27T15:00:00Z" // (Optional) For longer RSS feeds specify a ISO 8601 DateTime to exclude items published/updated earlier than this
labels: // (Optional) A list of labels to add to created Issues.
- TestLabel
- id: feed2
A Docker image is made available on DockerHub
Required Environment Variables
- GITLAB_API_TOKEN - Gitlab personal access token that will be used to create Issues NOTE: You must have access to create issues in the projects you specify in the config file.
- CONFIG_DIR - The directory the application should look for config.yaml in.
- DATA_DIR - The directory the application should look for (or create) the state.db in.
Volume mounts
Make sure the location of your DATA_DIR environment variable is set to a persistant volume / mount as the database that is contained within it stores the state of which RSS items have already been synced.
Run it
docker run -e GITLAB_API_TOKEN=<INSERT_TOKEN> -e DATA_DIR=/data -e CONFIG_DIR=/app -v <PATH_TO_DATA_DIR>:/data -v <PATH_TO_CONFIG_DIR>/config adamhf/rss-sync:latest
Prometheus Metrics
Two metrics (above and beyond what are exposed by the Go Prometheus library) are exposed on :8080/metrics
- last_run_time - The time of the last feed checks, useful for creating alerts to check for successful runs.
- issues_created - The total number of issues created in Gitlab, useful to check for runaways.
Example Issues
GKE Release Notes
Feed URL:
GKE Security Updates
Feed URL:
- Make the retroactive setting of the Gitlab creation time optional.