<p><?php_e('Set the number of revisions to save for each post type listed. To retain all revisions for a given post type, leave the field empty.','wp_revisions_control');?></p>
<p><?php_e('Set the number of revisions to save for each post type listed. To retain all revisions for a given post type, leave the field empty.','wp_revisions_control');?></p>
<p><?php_e("If a post type isn't listed, revisions are not enabled for that post type.",'wp_revisions_control');?></p>
<p><?php_e("If a post type isn't listed, revisions are not enabled for that post type.",'wp_revisions_control');?></p>
// Display a note if the plugin priority is other than the default.
<p><?php_e("A local change is causing this plugin's functionality to run at a priority other than the default. If you experience difficulties with the plugin, please unhook any functions from the <code>wp_revisions_control_priority</code> filter.",'wp_revisions_control');?></p>
@@ -159,6 +170,22 @@ class WP_Revisions_Control {
@@ -159,6 +170,22 @@ class WP_Revisions_Control {
* Allow others to change the priority this plugin's functionality runs at