@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Control how many revisions are stored for each post type.
== Description ==
Control how many revisions are stored for each post type.
WordPress 3.6 now allows users to control how many revisions are stored for each supported post type. No longer must you rely on the `WP_POST_REVISIONS` constant, which applied unniversally. With this plugin enabled, simply visit **Settings > Writing** to specify the number of revisions retained for each post type.
**Development is over on GitHub: https://github.com/ethitter/WP-Revisions-Control.**
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ Control how many revisions are stored for each post type.
1. Upload wp-revisions-control to /wp-content/plugins/.
2. Activate plugin through the WordPress Plugins menu.
3. Go to Settings > Writing and set the options under **WP Revisions Control**.
3. Go to **Settings > Writing** and set the options under **WP Revisions Control**.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Question =
= Where do change the plugin's settings? =
Navigate to **Settings > Writing** in your WordPress Dashboard, and look for the **WP Revisions Control** section.