- Jan 05, 2015
Erick Hitter authored
Josh Betz authored
- Sep 10, 2014
Nick Daugherty authored
Nick Daugherty authored
Simply gets all posts of `—post_type` and runs any necessary syndication.
- Sep 08, 2014
Nick Daugherty authored
`$info` can be a `WP_Error` if something went wrong with the connection…we must handle that condition. Probably need a better way to surface these errors at the time they happen, rather than letting them get stored here, but this is at least a failsafe to prevent fatals.
- Aug 15, 2014
Phillip Crumm authored
Add ability to syndicate galleries
- May 21, 2014
Stéphane authored
Adds Category (and tag) Mapping
Jackreichert authored
whitespace fixed
Jackreichert authored
Replaces nested conditions with if else if
Jackreichert authored
Removing negative conditions.
Jackreichert authored
Changed whitespace to match orig.
Jackreichert authored
Reversed the condition to prevent a negative condition.
- May 17, 2014
Jack Reichert authored
Notes on the patch: Simplepie doesn't pull attributes, so there is no real way to differentiate currently between categories and tags. My solution was to check first for existing categories, if not exist, tags, if not exist create as a category.
- May 13, 2014
Josh Betz authored
Don't delete images when we re-sync We re-sync post meta, which means deleting the old values and adding the new ones back. We don't re-sync images (presumably for performance purposes) so we can't delete the meta associated with them.
- Apr 29, 2014
Josh Betz authored
Pass the simple pie item along to the filter to grab additional data
- Apr 10, 2014
vgfitzger authored
- Apr 08, 2014
Josh Betz authored
It was colliding with the Facebook plugin. When they were both active, the syndication menu was hidden.
- Mar 28, 2014
- Mar 16, 2014
andreybrokeit authored
Merged in custom field syndication
- Mar 14, 2014
andreybrokeit authored
andreybrokeit authored
This fixes the issue by preventing submitting metadata IDs that was not updated during edit. This bug was introduced when issue #35 was fixed. All custom field IDs being sent to remote site for deletion. However if custom thumbnails were not edited and custom_thumb_id matches _syn_thumb_thumb_id (syndicated reference) it's excluded form processing and later is lost after deletion on remote. This will fix the issue.
- Mar 10, 2014
Mohammad Jangda authored
Add Featured Image Data Syndication
- Feb 27, 2014
andreybrokeit authored
Currently post syndication simply copies post content to the remote site. That makes [gallery] short code to contain wrong image IDs. This patch parses post content, fetches all galleries and upload images to the remote site prior to the syndication. It adjusts gallery code with new IDs and then syndication continues normally.
andreybrokeit authored
- Feb 14, 2014
andreybrokeit authored
This will allow plugin to syndicate such fields as caption, alternative text and description. It pulls post data and alt-text meat for the syndicated image and then updates the remote post once image is successfully uploaded and the attachment ID is created. It would be easier to do it on the upload stage but xmlrpc media object is not supporting caption and description fields at the moment.
- Jan 09, 2014
Josh Betz authored
When there are no site groups, we should a link to create one. The taxonomy slug and post type slug were both wrong, presumably because there were changed at some point and these references weren't updated.
- Dec 17, 2013
Mohammad Jangda authored
Because of how XML-RPC works, we can only update existing meta fiels by specifying IDs we want to override and their new values. Currently, we don't do this, so updates to pushed posts result in duplicated meta. Let's avoid this by first deleting existing meta using IDs, then re-inserting all the updated meta fields. This way, we can handle adds, updates, and deletes. Fixes #35
- Oct 16, 2013
Mohammad Jangda authored
Otherwise we end up scheudling a cron event for every updated post
Mohammad Jangda authored
Hook into the load process for the plugin.
Mohammad Jangda authored
Mohammad Jangda authored
see #38
Mohammad Jangda authored
Not super easy to hook into so let's just remove it allow alternate ways to hook in and override things.
Mohammad Jangda authored
This was we can more easily override them for any alternate cron systems like WP.com jobs
- Oct 15, 2013
Mohammad Jangda authored
If we error out during an update, retain the ext_ID so that the next time we try we don't accidentally end up with a duplicate post.
Mohammad Jangda authored
Mohammad Jangda authored
So that we actually syndicate it. Also give it a more descriptive name (syn_source_url) See #37
Mohammad Jangda authored
Pushes out posts to the pre-selected sitegroups/sites. More args to be added later. see #38
Mohammad Jangda authored
Even though this is more resource-intensive, this helps In case our push process fails halfway through, at least we'll have some of the site data retained.
- Sep 10, 2013
Mohammad Jangda authored
The way we were preventing repetitive syndication on every update was also breaking syndicating the thumbnail to multiple sites. This stores each thumbnail syndication alongside the site ID so that one site result cannot stomp on another. Also updates the meta key to make it more specific. fixes #36