Contributors: ethitter
Donate link:
Tags: user sessions, session tokens, session storage
Requires at least: 4.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Store WordPress session tokens in Redis rather than the usermeta table.
== Description ==
Store WordPress user session tokens in Redis rather than the usermeta table.
This plugin was previously known as `WP Redis User Session Storage` and was renamed to comply with naming constraints.
2. Install the [Redis PECL module](
3. Activate the plugin network-wide or by placing it in `mu-plugins`.
4. By default, the script will connect to Redis at ``. See the *Connecting to Redis* section for further options.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Connecting to Redis =
By default, the plugin uses `` and `6379` as the default host and port, respectively, when creating a new client instance; the default database of `0` is also used.
Specify any of the following constants to set the necessary, non-default connection values for your Redis instance:
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_HOST` - Hostname or IP of the Redis server, defaults to ``.
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_PORT` - Port of the Redis server, defaults to `6379`.
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SOCKET` - Path to a Unix socket file for the Redis server, if available. Takes precedence over the port value when set.
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_AUTH` - Password for the Redis server, if required.
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_DB` - Database number to use for the Redis server, defaults to `0`.
* `WP_REDIS_USER_SESSION_SERIALIZER` - Serializer to use for the Redis server, defaults to `Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP`.
= How do I upgrade from WP Redis User Session Storage? =
Install and activate this plugin, then deactivate the old plugin. Both plugins can safely be activated together as long as no additional classes extend the `WP_Redis_User_Session_Storage` class. After activating this plugin, deactivate the `WP Redis User Session Storage` plugin and remove it.
* Add cleanup routine for usermeta storage.
* Prepare plugin for release.