Erick Hitter authored89955160
Redis User Session Storage
Contributors: ethitter
Donate link: https://ethitter.com/donate/
Tags: user sessions, session tokens, session storage
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.0
Stable tag: 0.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Store WordPress session tokens in Redis rather than the usermeta table.
Store WordPress user session tokens in Redis rather than the usermeta table.
This plugin was previously known as WP Redis User Session Storage
and was renamed to comply with WordPress.org naming constraints.
- Install and configure Redis.
- Install the Redis PECL module.
- Activate the plugin network-wide or by placing it in
. - By default, the script will connect to Redis at
. See the Connecting to Redis section for further options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Connecting to Redis
By default, the plugin uses
and 6379
as the default host and port, respectively, when creating a new client instance; the default database of 0
is also used.
Specify any of the following constants to set the necessary, non-default connection values for your Redis instance:
- Hostname or IP of the Redis server, defaults to127.0.0.1
. -
- Port of the Redis server, defaults to6379
. -
- Path to a Unix socket file for the Redis server, if available. Takes precedence over the port value when set. -
- Password for the Redis server, if required. -
- Database number to use for the Redis server, defaults to0
. -
- Serializer to use for the Redis server, defaults toRedis::SERIALIZER_PHP
How do I upgrade from WP Redis User Session Storage?
Install and activate this plugin, then deactivate the old plugin. Both plugins can safely be activated together as long as no additional classes extend the WP_Redis_User_Session_Storage
class. After activating this plugin, deactivate the WP Redis User Session Storage
plugin and remove it.
- Rename plugin to
Redis User Session Storage
to comply with WordPress.org plugin-naming requirements. - Allow two versions of this plugin to co-exist safely to support seamless migration.
- Changes plugin class name to
- Initial public release