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class-test-plugin.php 8.78 KiB
* Test plugin features.
* @package WP_Redis_User_Session_Storage
namespace Redis_User_Session_Storage\Tests\Inc;
use Redis;
use Redis_User_Session_Storage\Plugin;
use ReflectionClass;
use WP_Session_Tokens;
use WP_UnitTestCase;
* Tests for main plugin class.
* @coversDefaultClass \Redis_User_Session_Storage\Plugin
class Test_Plugin extends WP_UnitTestCase {
* Clear stored sessions after each test, as factory can create user with
* same ID as previous test.
public function tear_down() {
$this->_invoke_method( 0, 'flush_redis_db' );
* Test construction.
* @covers ::__construct()
* @return void
public function test__construct() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$object = new Plugin( $user_id );
'Failed to assert that plugin class is an instance of `WP_Session_Tokens`.'
$this->assertEquals( 'wpruss', $object->prefix );
$this->_get_property( $user_id, 'redis_connected' ),
'Failed to assert that Redis is connected.'
$this->_get_property( $user_id, 'redis' ),
'Failed to assert that Redis client is an instance of `Redis`.'
* Test `get_sessions()` method.
* @covers ::get_sessions()
* @return void
public function test_get_sessions() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' ),
'Failed to assert that no sessions are returned before user logs in.'
$plugin->create( time() + 60 );
$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' ),
'Failed to assert that session token is stored in Redis.'
* Test `prepare_session()` method.
* @covers ::prepare_session()
* @return void
public function test_prepare_session() {
'expiration' => 1,
'Failed to assert that session data is transformed as expected.'
$test_data = array(
'expiration' => 2,
'foo' => 'bar',
'Failed to assert that session data is not transformed if it is already prepared.'
* Test `get_session()` method.
* @covers ::get_session()
* @return void
public function test_get_session() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
'Failed to assert that arbitrary verifier does not return a session.'
$expiration = time() + 60;
$plugin->create( $expiration );
$tokens = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
$verifier = array_keys( $tokens )[0];
$session_data = $this->_invoke_method(
'Failed to assert that session expiration is stored in Redis.'
* Test `update_session()` method.
* @covers ::update_session()
* @covers ::update_sessions()
* @return void
public function test_update_session() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
$plugin->create( time() + 60 );
$sessions = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
$verifier = array_keys( $sessions )[0];
'Failed to assert that session was created.'
'Failed to assert that session is not destroyed when no session data is provided.'
$plugin->create( time() + 60 );
$sessions = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
$verifier = array_keys( $sessions )[0];
$session_data = array(
'expiration' => time() + 60,
'foo' => 'bar',
'Failed to assert that session is updated when session data is provided.'
* Test `destroy_other_sessions()` method.
* @covers ::destroy_other_sessions()
* @return void
public function test_destroy_other_sessions() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
$plugin->create( time() + 60 );
$plugin->create( time() + 120 );
$plugin->create( time() + 180 );
$sessions = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
'Failed to assert that multiple sessions were created.'
$verifier = array_keys( $sessions )[0];
'Failed to assert that other sessions are destroyed.'
* Test `destroy_all_sessions()` method.
* @covers ::destroy_all_sessions()
* @return void
public function test_destroy_all_sessions() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
$plugin->create( time() + 60 );
$plugin->create( time() + 120 );
$plugin->create( time() + 180 );
$sessions = $this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_sessions' );
'Failed to assert that multiple sessions were created.'
'Failed to assert that all sessions were destroyed.'
* Test `drop_sessions()` method.
* @covers ::drop_sessions()
* @covers ::flush_redis_db()
* @return void
public function test_drop_sessions() {
$user_1 = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin_user_1 = new Plugin( $user_1 );
$user_2 = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin_user_2 = new Plugin( $user_2 );
$plugin_user_1->create( time() + 60 );
$plugin_user_1->create( time() + 120 );
$plugin_user_1->create( time() + 180 );
$plugin_user_2->create( time() + 60 );
$plugin_user_2->create( time() + 120 );
$plugin_user_2->create( time() + 180 );
'Failed to assert that multiple sessions were created for user 1.'
'Failed to assert that multiple sessions were created for user 2.'
'Failed to assert that sessions were destroyed for user 1.'
'Failed to assert that sessions were destroyed for user 2.'
* Test `get_key()` method.
* @covers ::get_key()
* @return void
public function test_get_key() {
$user_id = $this->factory->user->create();
$plugin = new Plugin( $user_id );
$plugin->prefix . ':' . $user_id,
$this->_invoke_method( $user_id, 'get_key' )
* Invoke a non-public class method.
* @param int $user_id WP User ID.
* @param string $method_name Method name.
* @param array $args Method arguments.
* @return mixed
protected function _invoke_method(
$args = array()
) {
$object = new Plugin( $user_id );
$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $object );
$method = $reflection->getMethod( $method_name );
$method->setAccessible( true );
return $method->invokeArgs( $object, $args );
* Get value of non-public property.
* @param int $user_id WP User ID.
* @param string $property_name Property name.
* @return mixed
protected function _get_property( $user_id, $property_name ) {
$object = new Plugin( $user_id );
$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $object );
$property = $reflection->getProperty( $property_name );
$property->setAccessible( true );
return $property->getValue( $object );